Thursday 6 December 2007

Fuck The Yellow Tape: The Wrap-Up

I am proud to announce that the package is on its way!
Remember how that guy said it would take an hour to process it? It took TWENTY MINUTES.
Remember how that guy said it would be around 30€? It was TWELVE AND A HALF EUROS.
It feels like I sent it for free.
Anyway, the woman that was there today said it should arrive in less than 2 weeks. Hey, as long as it's there before Christmas, I'll be happy.

7 spoke back:

D-HOR said...

Kick Ass! Now pocket that change!

Krissie said...

Sis even said I don't have to give her back the money she gave me to help out. She said she "wrote it off". lol

D-HOR said...

Beautiful. Does that mean I have to take back the comment on your last post?

Krissie said...

No. I can always use it when she pisses me off the next time.

D-HOR said...


Sgt said...

Your sister just loves to remind you how she rules the roost eh?

"Wrote it off" as in "clearly I won't be seeing any pay back..."

If I were you, I'd just be putting her hand in warm water each night while she's sleeping. Then suggest you could use the change from the post office to buy her one of those plastic sheets for her mattress.

Krissie said...

LMFAO Sgt!!!!!

But really, I'm inheriting her 4 months old cell when she buys a new one so we're really fine now. It's Christmas and my bday month, I guess.
I will, however, remember your suggestion. For January.