Tuesday 4 December 2007

Geek's Bday Extravanganza!

I discovered it today: I am a geek in making. You know what I asked from my parents and my sister for my birthday? You're not gonna believe it. Hell, it's hard for me to believe it too! I asked for RAM upgrade, a webcam and a microphone. Yes. Computer stuff. I'm getting stuff for my computer. Now, I have no idea how it all works. I just wanna have it cuz it sounds cool.
And I heard a girl can make money with a webcam and the Internet access. I'm sure there are freaks out there who are looking for diversity in the bosom department.
Just kidding. I swear.

5 spoke back:

D-HOR said...

Sgt. Will be pleased ;)

Hell he might even contribute to the boob fund.

Krissie said...

LMAO, Hor!

(I don't plan to broadcast myself, it's for chatting to people I know. Sorta.)

Van said...

Good for you Krissie! yay!

Sgt said...

I predict more awards coming!

I'm sure the 1900 numbers in the U.S. call them chat lines too. I guess it all depends on where the webcam is aiming. :-)

Glitterstim said...

LOL Krissie! Your wish list sounds like mine....