Wednesday 5 December 2007


Yes, I just totally congratulated myself but only because today is the One Year Anniversary of this blog! (I think I'm teething.) Well, that's technically not true since I moved it from myspace but what the hell, it's been one year since I'd entered the world of blogging.
During that year I met a lot of wonderful, funny, caring people and I wanna say to each and every one of them:
Every comment you leave makes me jump up and down (if not literally, at least on the inside) and I love how they sometimes help, sometimes make me cry, sometimes are completely useless but at least they make me laugh.
(Dyck, if you make a "sticking it to me" joke... well, it'll just mean you're an unoriginal copycat.) And thank you all, you amazing people, for not only entering my world but letting me in to yours.

A little reminder

12 spoke back:

Van said...

Congratulations Krissie.
One year is always good to achieve.
You have got a great community that comes to your blog and reads, comments and feels what you write.
You now share moments of your life, ideas, thoughts and dreams with us...the ones that come to visit.
But I see blogs has a life journal.
I mean, imagine that your blog will go on for years and you will always have a record of your experiences and your thoughts.
Even if that experiences includes incompetent Post Offices, ihiihihih.
Anyways, I hope we can celebrate more blog aniversaries and many more years to come.


Krissie said...

Thank you, Vannie!

D-HOR said...


Hip Hip HOORAY!!! (OK-KAY that-was Gay!)

How sweet is Van?

And yes, I too look forward to seeing you as long as you'll have us.

Krissie said...

I don't know, I've never had any Van but as soon as I do, I'll let you know. Do you wanna know if she's sour or any other flavour as well?

Sgt said...

Happy Blogiversary.

I was thinking back to some of your most memorable posts.

Bet you can't guess which ones they were :-)

Krissie said...

Thanks, Sgt. And no, I can't guess which ones would someone remember.

D-HOR said...

The most memorable posts to ME were the ones about your sister being a megabeotch and how I felt wanting to kick her ass.

D-HOR said...

I'm thinking SGT. was refering to when you posted your boobs. He really digs your boobs.

Krissie said...

It would be memorable to me to watch you kick her ass.
Let's talk about it, see what can be done.

D-HOR said...

Buy me a plane ticket and I'll buy the passport.

Glitterstim said...

Happy anniversary, Krissie! I'm glad to have "met" you here and to be able to share a bit of our worlds here. Thanks and here's to another year!

:o) BJ

Krissie said...

Thanks, BJ!