Saturday 22 December 2007

Saturday Night Blabber

Wow, I haven't done one of these for a long time... Anyways. I'm sick. My nose is running, constantly. And sneeze, constantly. That's just great, when I'm supposed to go out in two days. It's my out-going-day of the year, dammit! I'm not supposed to be sick. If I don't go out on Christmas Eve, I'll have to wait till next year. lol So I'm drinking tea. Which only happens when I'm sick. I do spice it up with rum though. Cuz what's tea without rum really? Some kind of grass boiled in water. Who'd drink that? Not me. This way I at least pretend I'm drinking something good.
I installed the new wireless keyboard and mouse today. Yep, all by myself! remember how my sister has issues with me typing while she tries to sleep? Well this new keyboard is much softer ad it makes almost no sound. Unfortunately, the click of the mouse is much louder. lmao I just can't win, can I?
What else? Ah yes, uni talk. I have a research paper to write, on Dr. Faustus. Well, either that or poetry. And I don't do poetry. But here's the trick (it's never easy, is it?): the research paper is supposed to only be 800 words long and our research is strictly limited to the drama itself and Now, I don't have a problem with short papers. By all means, the shorter, the better. But how is it a research paper if we're not allowed to actually research??! I have no idea what will I write about. Not that there are no potential themes or anything, it's just that a research paper should involve numerous sources. It's just stupid. I'm quite mad. And I should really start working on it. I'm good at quoting other people but if I have to come up with the shit myself...
I think my tea needs more rum.

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