Thursday 13 December 2007

12 Days Of Christmas Wheat

Day 1
Today is St. Lucy's day. In Croatia it is traditionally the day to sow the Christmas wheat. It symbolises the next year: if the wheat grows nicely, it'll be a prosperous year; if it doesn't... well, you're fucked.
Anyway, lacking a life and all, I invite you to watch how the grass grows with me. This is how it is done:
First you take a bowl (or two in my case), some cotton and of course, the wheat seeds.

You spread the cotton into the bowl and sprinkle it with water. (the bowl on the left) Then you spread the wheat over the cotton, not too thick, not to thin. Make sure the cotton is completely covered. (the bowl on the right) Then sprinkle some more water over the seeds.

Finally, put the bowl somewhere where there's light and water it every day.

And now... let's observe!

7 spoke back:

Van said...

Krissie you are turning into a gardener, lol.
I hope it grows perfectly :)

Have a great weekend!

D-HOR said...

I'm sorry but this is fun can you take a pic every day?? I'd love that. I'm weird like that, humor me.

Anonymous said...

I second hor's request lol

Krissie said...

You guys are so cool!
That's precisely the plan!

D-HOR said...

Well of course we're cool, we're YOUR friends.

Anonymous said...

You're REALLY bored, aren't you? LOL

But I still want a picture every day. Because my life is THAT interesting.

Krissie said...

I am, yes. LMAO
But I also wanted to share a Croatian Christmas tradition. And believe it or not, I spend a lot of time staring at it as it grows.