Thursday 11 January 2007

A Debate

We had an interesting debate today in my "English Language Practice" class. We were handed out these taboo-statements and we were supposed to agree or disagree with them and then discuss it.
Now, I'm not all that good at hearing other people's opinions, mostly because I'm really stubborn and I have an opinion about everything. And I'm ready to fight for them. But I held myself back since I was in class. Here, however, I can say anything I want...
Anyway, these are the statements:

1. My friends should come from the same social background as I do. I mostly agree, simply because I don't feel comfortable around really rich people or people from the margins of society.
2. It is impossible to have a happy family life and a successful career. I think so. Well, maybe certain people can find a way to balance the two, but I really believe that at the end of the day at least one has to suffer due to the other. Especially for women, who so often have to make the choice between being a mother or having a career.
3. War is not an option for solving international disputes. It certainly isn't. It only causes more problems, more misery, more pain. I've been through a war, I know what I'm talking about.
4. Multinational global corporations are to blame for most problems in the world today. Well, I wouldn't say I blame them entirely but they are certainly not helping. I don't think they have caused the world famine and poverty but they are contributing to keeping the status quo.
5. Women will never be equal to men in the workplace. Unfortunately, I agree. Not because I think they are worth less but because that's the way they... WE are treated. I somehow don't see it changing soon. Or ever.
6. Marriage is outdated. There is no need for state or church approval or recognition of a partnership. I do believe it's outdated but only because people are not willing to work on their marriages anymore. A lot of people just leave at the first sign of trouble. Me personally am the first who'd do that so no, I don't see me getting married in the near future. Or ever.
7. Gay couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt children. That is just fucked up! Why the hell not? There are millions of abandoned children all over the world in need of a home and a family. Wouldn't they be better off with any kind of parents than in the streets or in institutions? If a single father can raise a child, I can't see why two fathers wouldn't do even a better job (same goes for having two mothers).
8. The death penalty is acceptable in some cases. YES. Pedophiles and rapists should be exterminated.
9. Celebrities earn too much money. Yes, they do. And we are to blame. (And I am aware of the irony...)
10. The government is responsible for making sure that all citizens of a country have at least a minimum living wage job. I couldn't agree more. If you knew the unemployment rates in my country, you'd agree too. I think Sweden is the way to go.
11. Quality of life will greatly improve in the future. With the way we're destroying this planet, get sick with the new sickness every day, allienate from each other, devote our lives to earning money we can then spend on stuff we neither want or need... I really think NOT.
12. Military service should be obligatory. No.

If you feel like commenting on anything, I really hope you do.

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