Wednesday 31 January 2007

I <3 Nick Hornby

I took my "Language Practice" exam today. One down. At least I hope. There's always the possibility of failing it. Next one is on Friday.

I finally took Hornby's "31 Songs" in the library to read. And in the first chapter there it goes, one of the reasons I adore him: he writes about me. Well, not about me obviously, but it feels that way. I wish I had the original but I'm reading the Croatian translation so I can't quote it properly but this is what it basically says: he says that he doesn't know what to say when people ask him about the music he likes because he likes songs rather than certain musicians and all he can say is that he likes to hum those songs, and that he makes people listen to them and that he gets mad if they don't like them as much as he does.
That is me. If some of you managed to turn away from the Went-slides on my profile for a second at some point, you may have had noticed that in Music I list a few of my favourite songs. Not musicians, songs. I've had these favourite songs for years and it's pretty much all I ever listen to. Anyway, the point here is that HORNBY IS BRILLIANT. Thank you.

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