Monday 8 January 2007

Back To Classes

So it's back to classes tomorrow. Damn. I like laziness. Seriously. I'm the Queen of Lazy. I went through years doing not a fucking thing. Now I got the taste of it again and I don't want to let go of it... Blah... Back to school it is. It's gonna be stressful, I can tell you that, these next couple of months. If only there was a way to get a sneak preview of how it's going to turn out at the end of the day, you know, once it's all over. I would like to know if it's gonna be worth it. Am I being unreasonable? Maybe. It's who I am. Lazy. Unreasonable. Moody. Bitch. I'm not easy to put up with. Sometimes it's hard for me to live with me. Honestly, I can't believe my friends can take it. If I were them, I'd run away ages ago. That's me now, getting depressed again. I remember being happy. I wish I could go back to that...

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