Monday 1 January 2007

2006 Review

So this has been another year in my life. I heard a woman on the radio yesterday saying that the year 2006 is about to be "erased". Well, I certainly hope it wouldn't be erased entirely. This has been a good year. And I don't get to say that often.
It didn't start that well, that's for sure. At the beginning of the year I was unemployed (still am), living with my parents (still am), sharing a room with my sister (yep, still am) and I was sure I'm not going back to school EVER (aha!).
I've been looking for a job but it wasn't going well (it's a Croatian thing, you have to know people to have anything done around here). It was really depressing.
Then a friend of mine asked me to come with her to Krk to work in a diving centre. Now, I'm not the kind that just leaves everything and takes of. But this time I did. In two days time I was at the other side of the country (I know, it's not a very big country but still...).
It was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I met wonderful people, people that took me in as one of their own. How often is your boss a true friend as well? Well, this one was!Boris, Ivana, Robert, Irena, Dragica, Anton, Štefica, Dule, Goga, Dražen, Janko, Damir, Damir(Os), Toni, Luka, Rea... HVALA VAM SVIMA!
And a huge "THANK YOU!" goes to JELENA and BRANIMIR for not letting me give up of my dream. They are the ones who convinced me to give it another shot and now... Now I'm back in school, studying what I always wanted, English and Croatian. And I love it, everything about it, especially this little study-group of mine: Maja, Anja, Jelena, Martina, Ana, Tomislav, Davor and Nina. And yes, you guys, the others are just weird!
And finally, I became aware of the presence of the pure perfection in this world. You know what I'm talking about... WENTWORTH MILLER, a man of many talents, a man that amazes me every single day, a man that is a sight for sore eyes, with a voice that sends shivers down my spine, with the eyes that got me under a spell, a man that is a true 8th world wonder... Thank you, Wentworth, for giving me a reason to smile and laugh and cry a little, and thank you for bringing me together with these wonderful people: Fien, Julie, Perla, Jo, Wendy, Vills, Vir, J.S., Ruthie, Claire, Tami, Goga, Michelle, Stacy, Belinda, Lexie and WFW and everyone there. They are a great bunch to spend lonely hours with! I love you, guys!

I na kraju, ali nikako najmanje važna, SONJA... Stara, šta da ti kažem? Fala, Soliteru, za sve (znaš vec, za upis na razne nacine, za kafenisanje, za informacije, za to što si tu...)!


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