Friday 19 January 2007

Reality Report

I literally became wet for Went this morning. I was on the bus, on my way to the Uni, lost in my thoughts. Yes, you guessed it, I was thinking about Went. And I had my backpack in my lap and a bottle of water in my backpack. So I'm sitting there, minding my own business, thinking my (inappropriate) thoughts, playing "Snake" on my cell and I'm feeling something cold on my thigh. But I pay no attention to it, I'm thinking it's just the bottle of water in my backpack that I am sensing. Then, 5 minutes later I realize something must be wrong because what I'm feeling is just TOO COLD. So I remove my backpack from my lap and as I grab it, I realize it's wet. My jacket is also wet! My pants are also wet! Even my jacket SLEEVE is fucking wet! Not to mention my notebooks. RUINED! The water has been leeking out for minutes, soaking everything. Naturaly, I got pissed but then, so unlike me, I thought: "How bad is this really? I spilled some water on me." And I realize it's not that bad. It'll dry.
To tell you the truth, it's drying already. I'm in my class now. The sweet 19yr old brought me S2E13 and a program for converting music to the mp3 format. So that's good. But Maja found toothpaste in my hair. Which means I was walking through the city wet and toothpasted. And that's not good.
It's only 9.03am. I can't wait to see what this day yet has to offer.

(written earlier today)

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