Sunday 9 September 2007

My Cat

I obviously have nothing going on in my life right now with the exception of failing every goddamn exam I take so that's the reason I'm not posting anything. I try to study and that's pretty much it.
I have nothing to say so I'm just gonna introduce you to my cat instead. His name is Debeli (Fat) although he's anything but fat. See, when we got him we figured he'd grow up into a big fat slow-motioned tomcat. Unfortunately, he got poisoned or something and has been having problems breathing and stuff ever since, like sneezing and coughing all the time, and remained kinda weak and skinny. For a full grown cat, that is. He's 5 years old and is afraid of everything. Especially my sister but that's cuz she tends to scream at him for no reason when he falls asleep or she gets on Orbitrek and goes real fast so it would make a lot of noise to scare him or just hits the bed next to him when he sleeps so he'd jump up and runaway. Yes, she is evil like that and enjoys animal torture. And this is Debeli:

3 spoke back:

nicbeast said...

Ooooooooooo!! Cute kitty!!!!!! I should post pics of mine...

Krissie said...

I hope to God you are indeed speaking of your cat...

nicbeast said...

Dirty girl....*snicker* You started it!