Monday 10 September 2007


Sagittarius (the archer)
November 22-- December 21
You are an attractive person.
2) You make people happy.
What you don't know can't hurt you. That's why you've never been hurt.
You have a smile like the silver plate on a coffin.
5) You like to wear clothing that never goes out of style; they look ridiculous year after year.
6) The genes responsible for your brain comes from millions of years of not thinking.
7) You will look great when you're older. Unfortunately it will come from a cosmetic undertaker.
8) Yes you are an attractive person: like cow dung attracting flies.
9) Indeed you make people happy-- whenever you leave.
10) You often fall asleep while having sex.
The majority of Sagittarians are psychopathic.
12) After all these years, you still have the mind of a child-- stupid.
13) You don't give a crap-- that's why you're constipated.

Best career moves: dog poop collector, underwear stain remover, urine donor

Get your own HORRORSCOPE !

2 spoke back:

D-HOR said...

I'm a Sag. I wonder if that last one was telling me to get my hor act into golden showers? Hell as long as I'm peeing ON someone and not being peed upon myself I wouldn't really care.

What were we talking about?


Jeez where did you FIND this thing?

Krissie said...

I find the weirdest things.

Golden Shower. Lovely. With my bladder, I could do that for a living.