Thursday 1 March 2007

Bored Blabber

Hmm... I'm just bored so I thought I could write for a while because I just love producing sentences even if they mean shit.
I had only one class today. It was quite funny because it seems to be the exact same stuff we had in the 1st semester only then it was in Croatian and now it's in English. Girls are joking about it, they say all we have to do is learn how to say everything we learned before in English and that's it.
Tomorrow I'll know if I'm gonna be getting rid of the Shakespeare. God, I hope so! I can't do an oral presentation on Shakespeare! Most of the time I have no idea what I've just read. And you know what? Shakespeare's comedies - NOT FUNNY! (I know, I know... They're not meant to be funny anyway, I'm not that stupid.)
I saw a high school friend yesterday, we had coffee and did some catching up. I told her all about my lovely little obsession (it's ok, she's familiar with my obsession-history). I must sound like a real lunatic when I speak of Wentworth. First of all, I get all excited. I can't stop smiling. Seriously, the grin does not leave my face for a second when I talk about him. And I tend to raise my voice (I speak pretty loudly anyway so imagine me talking about the wonder of Went). I suppose I talk about him in a way that parents talk about their children or people who are in love talk about people they are in love with. You see the problem, right? I'M TALKING ABOUT A GUY FROM TV!!! Anyway, I said his name and she says: Oh, that pretty guy from... and I go: Yeah, the one we saw together for the first time. You see, she's the friend I lived and worked with on Krk and she's the one who walked into the room as I have just discovered the hotness that is Wentworth Miller and she's the one who asked: Who is that? and the one I answered: I don't know but he's damn fine! to. So does that make her the godmother of this obsession of mine? (If so, she's definitely gonna be invited to our wedding! *grinning*)

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