Wednesday 7 March 2007

Plant Crap

All right. Listen to this.
There's this class that we have, "Old Croatian Literature II", and we have to do a term paper.
Each of us got a comedy to work on. Mine happens to be a 17th century comedy written by an anonimous author. Oh joy.
Anyway, we have to write a paper and present it to the rest of the class. Every time, the three of us will be presenting their stuff. Of course, I am in the first three. Stupid alphabet! LYNCH alphabet! *note to self: quickly marry someone with last name beginning with Z*
But listen to this: we have to keep track of all of the plants and animals that appear in the text, count them and provide quotations in which they appear. That's stupid and meaningless but here's the tricky part: those comedies are written in archaic Croatian (and let me tell you, it's basically impossible for me to understand it) so most of the times you can't even tell if something is a plant because none of the plants are called as they are today.
Can you say LYNCH UNI! ??!

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