Friday 9 March 2007

Copy Guys

I almost forgot about this.
I left the book with the stupid 17th century comedy in the copy shop yesterday and the guy told me to get it today. So I came there around 8am, as soon as I got to the city. I had my earphones on but I took one out. I admit, I still didn't hear all that well.
So I ask the copy guy to give me what was mine and he quietly says something. I chose that exact moment to look out so I didn't realize he was talking to me (there was another copy guy there, I'm not completely crazy). Of course, I say nothing and the guy asks me if I heard him. I say I didn't. He apparently asked what am I taking (because Anja had something copied from the same book) and I didn't haer that. He says I ought to listen and I go: Look, don't fuck with me this early in the morning. Then he says he was up since 6am. Should I care??! Then I tell him I was up since 6am too but I'm not gonna wake up till 10 and take my shit and leave.
The other copy guy (the cuter one, anyway) was sitting on the copy-machine (NOT with his pants down and NOT copying his ass) and just laughing at us.
I mean really, now the copy guys are gonna start pissing me off???

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