Friday 9 March 2007

LT Blabber

Today is Thursday. Thursday is the day of "Language Culture Practice" class. Yes, it's the class of the leprechaun teacher. Yes, we were all very excited about it.
Today is also Women's Day (or whatever it is called in English).
So, we're in the class and the LT asks the boys if they had congratulated their female colleagues their day. The boys didn't (of course) but the LT says: Happy Women's Day, girls! or something like that and we yell Thanks! and ask for carnations (the traditional flower given to women on this day) and he goes: Sorry, I don't have them. I haven't even congratulated my wife yet cuz I haven't talked to her today till now.
What the FUCK??!
It was like someone has sucked the air out of the room. For two or three seconds there was only dead silence. And then there was that sound. The sound of young girls' hearts breaking.
We exchanged glances of disbelief. A few tears were wiped away discreetly. Our world has changed forever.

After the heart-breaking class (as it will be known from now on) we had a two hour break. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny so we took a walk around the city to take our minds off the married LT. Needless to say, it didn't work. Every two or three minutes one of us would say: MARRIED??! and then we would shake our heads. The sufferring made us skip another class. We had some ice cream instead (I had whiskey-flavoured - YUMMIE!) and sat on the main square for about two hours. It's a proven fact: ice cream can heal a broken heart! Ice cream and checking out boys passing by. We felt much better after that.

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