Thursday 29 November 2007

Sweets For My Sweet, Sugar For My Honey, Some Peanuts And Pumpkin Seeds

Two days ago I got a package from Lindy. Imagine that! It came all the way down from... wherever she is (I'm not making it easy for you to track her down and demand packages). In it there was a CD with pictures of Wentworth Miller that she promised as a prize for being the 10000th visitor of her blog. It contains 793 pictures. Yes, I counted them. And to my surprise, not only that there are quite a few of those I don't have saved on my computer but there are also some I've never even seen! Trust me, that's something.
But that's not the only thing that she sent. Oh no. She sent CANDY! Yeah, baby! Caramels, chocolate bars, pumpkin seeds, lollipops... aaand MAGICAL CANDY - Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans! It's Harry Potter candy, people! It's magic to eat! Now, I haven't tasted it yet (flavours like vomit and earwax are kinda putting me off) but I'm gathering courage to do it and then I'll let you know how it went. There's a lot of peanuts in the candy too. Must be an American/Mexican thing.
Further more, she sent a few flavoures of tea, she sent flower seed, she sent pens (that are awesome and I'm so gonna write Christmas cards with them!), incense sticks and probably my favourite - Vanilla Cola Lip Gloss! It's absolutely yummy and it brings together probably my favorite two flavours, vanilla and coke. Speaking of vanilla, some of the tea she sent is vanilla flavoured and I'm saving it for Christmas. (In case you haven't noticed, I love vanilla - its taste and its smell).
She also wrote a lovely letter (and your handwriting is perfectly fine and the paper is too cute) and I just wanna say: Lindy, I'm really happy to have met you and to get to have you in my life. And sorry for freaking out your bf with my postcard. You might wanna prepare him for another one coming. lol

4 spoke back:

D-HOR said...

AAAAAAWWWWWWWW Shucks :) Were the candy's still seperated into two bags? The one with all the penuts was probably all the mexican stuff. They've got a lot of weird candy but it's fun to try. I'm really happy you liked your box, I hope you were surprised. :) You're a special kind of gal Kris, you deserve all the sweet things this world has to offer, and I'm glad to have met you too. :)

(ok and OMG I've got like 3 tubes of that lipgloss myself and am even wearing it right now ! )

And you silly duck C. wasn't for REAL freaked out! He just gave me one of them sideways looks, but the more I think about it it's kind of cool. I'm still "mysterious" to him even after over a year. I like that. :)

Krissie said...

I was plenty surprised and I loved the box!
Yes, the candy was separated but is surely but slowly being united in my stomach. ;)

D-HOR said...

Oooo that's so cool to see all the pictures! It's like deja-vu or something. To cool that you found those.

Van said...

That is such a cool pack.
We don't have those Harry Potter's candy bad.
But Krissie you definetely have to tell how they taste, lol.
And I like vanilla too, but not a lot of people like its smell or taste because they say it's too "strong".
It is always cool to receive some goodies :)