Sunday 4 November 2007


Motherfucker! Fuck! Fuck! Fucking fuck!
I just got the Croatian version of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to complete my collection. But isn't that something she wanted?, some of you might ask. Yes, dammit. That's why I'm so bloody angry. My sister bought it. One cannot take that book in one's hands and not smile. It's undoable. How do I hate her now? How?! Motherfucker.
And I was doing such a wonderful job of ignoring/hating her today. See, last night she had this huge scene with my mother, talking about this incident, crying crocodile tears, yelling about her sufferings and what not. I was in the living room during that time, acting like it had absolutely nothing to do with me. I said what I had to say and I was not going to discuss it any more. But then today my sister thought that we were OK because she talked to mother. And it wasn't, not from where I was standing. So she tried to crack a joke that I "didn't hear". A bit later she asked me to find her the episode of "Gilmore Girls" she had missed last week. I murmured "OK" and I did find it and started downloading it. So in the afternoon, as it was downloading, I turned the TV on to see Monty Python's "Holy Grail". Just as it was beginning, I saw MSN window popping up. Maja. Asking me about Geoffrey Chaucer. So I press PAUSE on the DVD and get to the computer to find her the link with the modern translation of it. And just then my sister comes in and throws tantrum because I can't be watching TV and at the computer at the same time because what would she do then. And I tell her I was downloading her "Gilmore Girls" and just replying to Maja about some Uni stuff and she starts yelling about pulling out the computer plug be-

(Took a pause to tie a bow on the new top she just bought and is trying on now and listen to this comment:
Are you braiding a braid or tying a bow? because I was apparently too slow. Can you say bitch?)

I lost a thought. Anyway, I turned the computer off and watched the movie. I also stopped downloading her show and wasn't gonna download it at all since she was such a bitch.

And then she bought me the book. And "Gilmore Girls" have downloaded. Goddammit! Motherfucker! Fuck! Fuck! Fucketty fuck!

6 spoke back:

Sassy Blondie said...

She's obviously insecure, Krissie. And passive aggressive. But hey, you got Harry Potter! Hooray for insecure, passive aggressive bitch sisters! ;)

Krissie said...

I wouldn't go as far as hooraying but yeah, there are some pros to it.

Sassy Blondie said...

Listen, young Kristina, you cannot critique your comments! Go with it, sister! :)

D-HOR said...

Why is it that you're always writing about "I made my sister desert." "I made my sister a sandwhich." "I made my sister soup." And now movies? Can she do frigging ANYTHING for herself?? God tell the biatch to do shit her damn self, book or no book. (but congrats on the book ;)

Glitterstim said...

Cool that you got the book :o) But I feel your frustration! Hor-gal might be right. Tell her to do more things for herself. At the very least, you'll gain more time for what you'd like to do :o)

Krissie said...

I can't say I understood what you were trying to say here, Sassy. Colour me dumb.

I know, Lindy, I know... The girl has two left hand... Nope, she seems to be handless.

Thanks for feeling my frustration, BJ.