Wednesday 7 November 2007

Like A Bad Dream

I almost had sex last night. In my dreams.
No, really. I never dream of having sex. Making out is as far as my dreams go. And even that very rarely.
So I almost had sex. With dr. Christian Troy. I have no idea where that came from. Anyway, we were sitting on a couch and I have a feeling we were married. I was holding him in my arms, stroking his hair, kissing his forehead, wiping his tears away... Yep, he was crying, but I don't know why. And one thing led to another and soon enough we were both unzipping ourselves when this guy came to the door. It was my dream so I somehow knew he wanted to talk to dr. Troy, they were like best friends or something, and I knew he hated me for being there. I also knew he had the personality of Model Boy (some of you might remember him from the LCB posts) and he looked like Luke MacFarlane (I know, right?). So dr. Troy looked at me and I nodded like Go on, he needs you., and he smiled and left. And I woke up.
Seriously, my conscious is such a bitch.

In real life, I might have agreed to a date with a boy I really don't like. He's a friend and he asked if I'd like to see a movie with him some time and without giving it a second thought I agreed. Then I thought about it. Especially when he said Your place or mine? . It could be just two friends hanging out. Really. I have no idea. I hope it's just that. I guess it'll have to be MY place with my parents in the next room. Just in case. Oh man.

14 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

I know someone who dated a guy she didn't like for a solid 9 months, because she didn't have the heart to break up with him...

Hey, maybe he's not who you think he is. Lots of people are very different when they're with lots of people than they are when they're alone/with only one other person.

Krissie said...

I've been alone with him.

Oh God, I have got to make things clear somehow!

Sgt said...

Just invite someone else to watch the movie with you too. That should pretty much set things straight from the get go.

Krissie said...

Tried that, Sgt. I. Tried. That. It didn't work.

D-HOR said...

You mean you tried and nobody could come? Or he just didn't get the hint? You need to call in a favor from your damn sister she OWES you.

You don't have to do ANYTHING you don't want, so there's always honesty and just telling the boy strait out, ALL truth. Just tell him your gay.

HAHA ok that's not the truth, I'm just playing but no reason to get up in arms about it just give him the "I'm not looking" or "I just need a friend" or ya know you could say "Hey your ass is kind of big for me" Or ya know something like "You're ugly, I don't date ugly and I don't want ugly children." How about that?

Am I getting close? Well have you at least cracked a smile??? :)

Good Luck Kris, just be cool and honest and calm and it'll be just fine :)

Krissie said...

I mean I said Are we gonna invite A*** too? and he was like No. and I asked why not and he said Cuz then we'd have to have Croatian subtitles cuz he just can't watch a movie without them. and i was like Oh. OK.
Clearly I'm an idiot. And now I'm gonna have to go with the ass comment you suggested. It applies.

Glitterstim said...

You could always something like, "I'm so glad I have a friend like you I can hang out with, without all that romantic crap. No pressure. What a relief."


Krissie said...

See, now we're getting somewhere. Thanks, BJ. That sounds great. I will, however, first try to avoid the situation all together. lol

Anonymous said...

Hahaha Krissie! First you don't have sex, then your dream tells you there won't be sex, and then you're asked 'out' by a guy that doesn't say sex to you. Girl, you need a booty call.

Krissie said...

I'm glad someone is amused by all this. lol

Sukhaloka said...

I would go with BJ's suggestion. And refuse to go on any more dates. He should pick up on that one!

Oh, and dreams? I dreamed of giving birth last night. Too much thinking about what kind of childbirth I'd like to have, gah! And i haven't ever dreamed of sex, except a very not-explicit dream in pubescent years. Weird me, ain't I?

Krissie said...

Weird, Suki? You're talking to a girl that has never ever in her entire life dreamt of having sex. My subconscious always stops me. Always.

Sukhaloka said...

ouch. weirder, then.

I reckon hormones are telling on you - too much repression. I also reckon I'm sometimes too Freudian, so don't heed me.
Good luck with figuring this one out!

Krissie said...

I welcome Freudian.