Thursday 15 November 2007


ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod. how can i feel this jealousy? or is that regret? it's the weirdest feeling. but goddamn, he looks so damn fine. he looks better than then. and even then i'd almost cum on my way to see him. and i know for a fact pictures don't do him justice so to think how he must have looked in person... if it was me, i'd never get through the ceremony, i would've jumped him in the church. i'm a masochist. i went through all of the pictures imagining myself being her. i guess i somehow kept thinking it might still happen if it was meant to be but now... i won't sleep tonight. i'm in for a lot of flashbacks. he was so good. i sometimes catch myself thinking of him wondering if things could have been different if i hadn't been so young. if we had been in the same country. if we had tried harder.
i wonder if he ever thinks of me.

6 spoke back:

Sgt said...

I do still think of you of course!


Krissie said...

As long as you don't go into too much detail, we'll be fine.

Sukhaloka said...

ouch... hope you're okay?

Krissie said...

Yeah, I'm fine, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I wish we could go out and have a huge bowl of heart attack inducing ice cream.

*hugs again*

Unknown said...

*pats Kris on the back*

It's ok hon.