Saturday 30 December 2006


I'm cranky because I haven't had my coffee yet and it's almost 3pm. (BTW, I have no idea what is wrong with the time on this site, it makes no sense to me, am when it shoud be pm and vice versa, even the minutes don't match mine...)
My sister expects me to do her hair AGAIN, and it's just annoying. It's curly, for God's sake! Let it be!
This is going to be a looooooong Saturday. A friend asked me to go to the movies. Unfortunately, she wants to see a movie that is not playing anymore.
WFW is taking a well deserved rest from all of us. I'm gonna miss her. I'm gonna miss the Wentworth-frenzy too. Hell, I already miss it! I was high for days and now it's all over. If anyone can recommend a 12-step-program, preferably the one you can go through in just 3 steps, please, don't hesitate to let me know about it! Otherwise, a lot of crankiness is to ensue...

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