Thursday 21 December 2006

On The Break

Finally! I am officially on the break! I should be going to P.E. tomorrow morning but no way in hell is that gonna happen!

It's time to put books and classes and worrying aside and do some partying (not too much, though, that's just not me) and do some doing nothing at all and do some re-watching of PB and do some doing nothing at all...

However, the holidays didn't start too well. We were supposed to go see Step Up tonight but then found out it only shows at 9pm and since Anja and I have no stupid buses to take us home after 10.30 we got screwed.

And I don't like getting screwed unless there's a chance of Wentworth doing it.

I'm re-reading Hi-Fi again. God, I looove that book. I feel as if Hornby is telling my life. Though I'm obviously not a 35 years old guy who owns a record store. Nor would John Cusack ever play me in a movie ( I dream about movies they won't make of me when I'm dead...).

I'm gonna go grab a bite. Who am I kidding... I'm gonna go stuff myself!

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