Monday 1 December 2008

It sure is fancy how you love me



Do you know what they did? DO YOU? No, you don't. So listen.
Maichan got me a Christmas card and then AJ got JENSEN FUCKING ACKLES SIGNING IT FOR ME! And now I have something touched by Jensen Ackles. (Which basically means I should get tested cuz God knows what I got just by opening the envelope. :P )

But look at my card!!!!!

And the best part? THE BEST PART is the card itself (and I'm pretty sure he never saw the front of it TEE
HEE) because LOOK AT IT:


For those who may not know who Jensen Ackles is:

And THEN Maichan add the second card, this time from herself in which she mentions hobos, emo cutting, and boobies. To be precise, her husband thinks Jensen's sig looks like boobies (and for the extra lulz: that's pretty much how MY boobs look like - completely different in size and shape!), Maichan thinks I'm a hobo who cannot afford heat in the winter, yet she asks of me not to be cutting myself, because SHE LURVEEEES ME! It's the most awesome Christmas card EVER! Let me show you it:

7 spoke back:

LadyN said...

First off...LOL I love your post tiltles!!
Secoundy holy shit you got jens sig!!!!
God he's hot! I want a card too. And it's hilarious lol!

I see boobs in his siggy. Is it just me?

Lastly...YOU GOT HERPES!!!!!!

Krissie said...

LOL, random lines from songs FTW.

I KNOW, RIGHT? It's JENSEN ACKLES!!! And it's so gay!! Hee.

You and Mr. Maichan, apparently. LMAO

I know. *sigh* Why must he be a diseased man-whore, why?!

LadyN said...

Ok I totally didn't read the last part of the post! It isn't just me they do look like boobies!!!! LMAO!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm soooooooooo happy and sooooooooooooo jealous. I don't do well with mixed emotions!

Krissie said...

Then just go with the jealous. :P
I don't care, I'm too happy to care. *flails some more while doing a happy dance*

nicbeast said...

Awwwww! Yay you!!!

Here's this...just in case...

Van said...

You are one lucky ho!
Luckly the post office didn't lost or took your card, lmao!
WoooooT to you Kris!