Monday 15 December 2008

Oh happy day!

First and foremost: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAJA!

Second: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! FIRST ROW FOR "KAUBOJI"!!!!! *flails* FIRST FUCKING ROW! I stretch my hand and I can touch the stage! Can't wait! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!1!!!

Third: My sister found a bottle of Deep Red by Hugo Boss under her bed! I missed that perfume so so much! I'm so happy we apparently have one left. Not that I don't like my current one, Gucci by Gucci (duh!), but this is DEEP RED!

Fourth: Tentacle rape. On TV. Last night. And I thought to myself: This is relevant to my interests. OK, I know that tentacle rape in manga is like... Dylan Dog meeting a vampire. Or Marten being afraid of Faye. Basically, nothing unusual. But after scenes from cartoons where various tentacles raped body orifices of different characters, there was a real naked man, positioned on his elbows and knees, and a naked woman who was rubbing his bare ass with an octopus, which was, I can only assume, dead.
Tentacle rape - if the octopus is dead, you're doing it wrong.
Next thing I know, someone will be suggesting to spank me with a carp.

2 spoke back:

nicbeast said...

I just don't know what to say to that...

Krissie said...

To what exactly?