Friday 24 October 2008

With nothing to say besides some comment on the weather

Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours" made me walk around the city grinning stupidly without even realising it. Such a ridiculously uplifting song.

I was so happy lectures got cancelled today. Mostly because I got to see the new episode of Supernatural earlier. I love SPN but what sucks about it the most is that, even though we met through it, I feel you judge me for still liking it. I'm embarrassed even for liking it and I don't think I should be.

I don't care for politics. Well, for American elections anyway. But living in the country where Ivo Pukanić was murdered in a car-bomb explosion so shortly after Ivana Hodak was shot is starting to scare the shit out of me. Who is next?

I got stuck in the traffic jam this morning on the way to that 7hrs long lecture and I freaked out beacuse I didn't want to be late and have her make me write the punishment paper. I managed to get there on time. Then she cancelled the second part of her lecture and assigned us all with papers. You know what, professor? Fuck you.

I didn't go to the German experimental film thing. A girl from the class did but she couldn't find where the showing took place. I'm glad I saved myself wandering through the woods in the dark.

All combined, I still like exactly two people from the R+ forum. Why I still visit, I'll never know.

This is how I communicate. This is how I tell you about what goes on in my head, what goes on in my heart, what goes on in my life. If you don't comment or react in any way, I believe you don't care for me at all. You make me sad. You make me wanna withdraw even more than I already do. You make me even more antisocial.

I reread an epic poem for my lit class (Smrt Smail-age Čengića). I read it in high school like everyone else and thought it was yawn-so-boring. Yesterday, Harač brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad I got to read it again.

8 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

I do that sometimes-rereading novels or short stories. I like to see how I've changed, what I've learned, and perhaps even grown.

About the mafia killings - I am awaiting our government's next move. But I'm not expecting much =(

Krissie said...

Rereading like this = awesome. But sometimes the magic is lost and that's just sad.

I know, right?

Anonymous said...

You change, literature changes. That's what's so marvelous about it.

Hey, you're obviously really sad about some of your online friends... talk to me, k?

Nutty professor is a bitch if you ask me!

Krissie said...

What I need is get a life. And get through PMS.

nicbeast said...

You can have WFW's room. Well I did offer it to you first anyway. Then we can not have a life together.

Krissie said...

LOL I was just talking about the room I have at your house to a friend the other day. Some day I'll take you up on that offer.

nicbeast said...


nicbeast said...

OK. I can't hear this song with out thinking about you now! LOL.