Friday 10 October 2008

A choke and a gag, she spit up n came back for more...

I returned home today cradling 3 huge books in my arms. They're heavy and all talk about history of Croatian literature. And tomorrow morning, yes, on a Saturday, I'm going to the library. See, I'm thinking of trying out this new concept this year. It's the not-flunking-the-year concept. Some of you might have heard about it. I have a vague idea what it is but haven't actually managed to pull it off yet. So I'm giving it a shot, you know, trying it out, seeing how it'll fit me.

One of these days I'm gonna make a voice post. Stream of consciousness kind of thing. I won't be having much chance to actually speak English this year since I'm mostly taking Croatian classes and I really don't want to get too rusty. Also, I'll be signed in to skype when I can so please, do sign in and we'll chat. For purely academic purposes, of course. You don't want me to fail in English next year, do you? DO YOU?

I've also decided I'm gonna be using random lyrics as titles for my posts. In case you were wondering what the hell is that. I've also decided I'll try to make posts of some substance and use proper (well, more or less) vocabulary and grammar because a dear friend of mine told me my style was somewhat deteriorating.

Speaking of music, I'm discovering some things about myself. Not so long ago I was listening to Kelly Clarkson, Alicia Keys, Shakira, Pink... stuff like that. Lately, I tend to like a song here and a song there by artists I don't really know, then I download the albums, and they end up being metal and rock bands, and even though I can't say I like it all, I find myself keeping at least some songs and liking them. Am I evolving into a person that doesn't have to be ashamed of their music taste?

I'm still not interested in politics enough to be discussing the debates of the America's presidential candidates, but I'm politically aware enough to know that voting is important. So go vote, my friends. I always do. And that would be my PSA for the day.

7 spoke back:

LadyN said...

Interesting post. You've covered music, politics and education into one. Impressive, confusing but impressive.

I hate when the whole CD ends up being crap. Never feel shame though.

And just yesterday i had the biggest argument with a freshman college student on politics. A 19 year old for Christ sake! It got ugly. I will most definitely vote, yes.

Grammar,'s all the same to me. You'll be quite fine. With all that slash you read you're an expert in English by now. :)

Off, I go. Be good.

Krissie said...

You've covered music, politics and education into one.

I sure did.

confusing but impressive.

I'll take that as a compliment.

I will most definitely vote, yes.

'Atta girl.

With all that slash you read you're an expert in English by now.

Not when it comes to speaking I'm not.

Be good.

I ain't promisin' nuthin'.

Anonymous said...

"Not when it comes to speaking I'm not."

Since when did the double negative reemerge in English, m'dear?

Your English is FINE.

Krissie said...

That was on purpose, in line with my decision to use MORE OR LESS proper grammar and syntax and what not.

Again, speaking is not. I heard myself reading fic. I couldn't understand a word I'm saying.

Anonymous said...

Nonsense. I heard you speak and understood you just fine.

Anonymous said...

I HAVE heard you speak.


Krissie said...

I know you have. I'm just saying so have I. And it wasn't pretty. LOL

You know, we could keep this up forever. :P