Monday 13 October 2008

And I can't ask for things to be still again

But seriously, how am I ever to survive through this?

What is that, you might ask. It's the schedule for one class I'm taking. Attendance mandatory. The professor just refuses to have normally scheduled classes every week. Instead, we'll have HOURS of lectures once a month. And she doesn't give a shit about OTHER classes we have during that time. Attendance MANDATORY. And for EVERY hour of her class we miss, we have to submit a paper in one week time. She's apparently and incredible bitch.
So I guess I'll be skipping some other classes then.

7 spoke back:

Van said...

What a biatche!
Why does the Uni aprove this?
I mean, does her will count in this matter?
How can you skip other class just to attend this bitch class?
Are you sure that ho isn't Palin's sistah?

Krissie said...

The Uni has little say in the matter. Professors in Croatia act as gods, pretty much. They do as they please and we do as they ask.

LOL @ Palin's sister

LadyN said...


What. the. Fuck!? That deserves to be spelled out.

What the fuck are you gonna do?!
Can't you go to the head of whatever department and ask if this makes sense? It's like having a lab class but on ecstasy.

:-/ Oh K, I'll pray for you... 'nough said.

And the Palin family ain't smart enough to have a prof in their fam. A pretend Vice prez is enough. lmao.

Krissie said...

No, there's really nothing we can do. LOL @ head of the department. Usually they're never there, and when they are, they may or may not listen to you, but then they never do anything. Besides, this particular professor is working on becoming the Dean so she already acts like one.

Anonymous said...

What is this? I've honestly in my entire academic career never seen such weirdness. 7 hours of lectures on the same topic one after the other? Scheduling classes during OTHER professors' hours? Making it impossible for you to fulfill the requirements of all your subjects?
That woman is a maniac and should be fired.

Krissie said...

Welcome to the Joys of Studying in Croatia 101. Soon enough nothing will be a surprise to you anymore.

P.S. So much agreeing with the maniac theory.

nicbeast said...
