Saturday 18 October 2008

I played the fool today

What is worse than having PE on a Friday morning? Not many things but here's one: not having PE on a Friday morning but thinking you're having it, thus getting up at 7, going to the city, taking a 25 minutes long walk from the train station to the fitness centre really fast so you're not late for the class, realising you came for fucking nothing, and then taking the same 25 minutes long walk in the opposite direction, again really fast so you don't miss the train back, because another one is in 2 hours. Did I mention it was raining the entire time?

Does that even make sense? No? Well, welcome to my Friday morning.

Fast forward to Friday afternoon. It's 3.30, I'm reading some crap on Croatian literary romanticism, practically falling asleep when suddenly, it hits me. SHIT SHIT SHIT! I was supposed to be in class in 15 minutes. Notice the problem. I'm on my bed reading. The class takes place in 15 minutes. In the city.

Friday most definitely was not my day.

The class I missed was held by the Currator (that's what I'm gonna call him) and it can be summed up by this:
Me: What did I miss?
Anja: For an hour and a half he talked about how to write a paper.
Me: And how do we write it?
Anja: We don't know.

This is going to be one hell of a year.

10 spoke back:

LadyN said...

Shit. :-/
Sounds like my commutes back and forth. I remember those days. *sigh*
God, I hated college.

Krissie said...

Hating college. Yep, I'm there.

LadyN said...

One time i had a fever and chills like nuts! My body hurt and the whole 9....I HAD to go to school and waited for the bus like 45 mins, FINALLY took the bus for half an hour, the train for an hour and the trolley for another half an hour. Alll thiss while below zero with winds. I didn't really own a good coat.

I swear when i got home i cried for two hours i was sooooo pissed!

Maybe the reason for crying was more than just that prob, cuz college really DID suck.

Good times...

Krissie said...

I cried a lot over my very first week at college.
Later I learned most of my colleagues did as well. It was THAT bad.
These days I don't cry, I'm mostly just really pissed.

Van said...

I think I don't wanna go to college!

Krissie said...

I'm guessing you don't have to so good for you, Van.

nicbeast said...

Anyone willing to write a paper for me? I'll pay....

Krissie said...

On rock identification? I think I'll pass.

nicbeast said...

NO NO!! It's for my english class!! Or my global politics class!!!
*tries to hypnotise*
You WANT to write my WANT to write my papers...

Krissie said...

Yeah... No.

If I didn't have 2 of my own, I might consider yours though. Why yes, I am that nice.