Wednesday 1 October 2008

Of Beer And Knitting

"If I ask you to come with us to the Days of Beer on Saturday, what are the odds of you actually saying yes?", Maja asks.
"Really good", I say.
"REALLY?", she gasps.
Yeah, why the hell not. Besides, I already told Martina I'd come and God knows I could use some... uh... beer.
"Unless there's some god awful band playing that night", I add hastily. It makes her think, wary of her next move. She knows the wrong name will make me go HELL NO in a heartbeat.
"Uh... Belfast Food", she says finally.
"Oh OK then", I say. "Who doesn't like Irish folk music, right?"
"Yay! Wait...", she pauses. "Are you being ironic now? It's hard to tell on MSN."
But for once I wasn't. I can totally go to Belfast Food. Unlike, say, Let 3 or... I don't even know. I hate Croatian rock scene. There's not enough beer in the world that would make it bearable for me to endure 2 hours of any band I dislike. This way though, people I actually like, band I can tolerate, and gallons of beer pretty much guarantee good time. Last hooray before the classes start.

And in all honesty, I'm actually looking forward to the classes. Except for PE. I do not want PE. I didn't want it in primary school, I didn't want it in high school, and I sure as hell don't want it at Uni. I shudder at the very thought of hopping around at the gym with 19-year-olds. At this age I should be given a nice, comfy rocking chair somewhere in the corner, and possibly some needles and wool to make scarves and beanies for the class. Yes.

10 spoke back:

Van said...

Hey, there's an opportunity to wear those fancy boots!!!
And yes PE really sucks...just say you have period cramps, huh.

Krissie said...

Every week? LOL

Oh and my precious new shoes into a tent full of drunk punkers who tend to jump and step on people's feet? I really don't think so.

Anonymous said...


In Belgium, that is unheard of. Unless of course your major IS PE.

Krissie said...

It's not funny.
No, really. it's not. *glares*

LadyN said...

PE in Uni sounds hilarious to me!!! :-D BWahahahaha ha!

Heck! I didn't even take a math class!!!

HAHAHAhahahhahaha @ all the unfortunates who had to take math!

*clears throat*....yeahhh, but I'm not even gonna touch the English class subject. That, on the other hand, was a an embarrassment I'll never talk about! :-/

Gringa-n-Mexico said...

Oh god you have to take PE? Like for real? Jesus H. isn't there SOME sort of equivalent? Like sports massage or studying sports injuries or jesus I don't know, just SOMEHTING????

I'm going to get hives just THINKING about PE. I almost didn't graduate because I saved PE for my senior year and then skipped so many classes of it that I failed the first semester. SO, the second semester I had to take PE and a SPORT !!! OMG!!! I did track and signed up for shot-put. I showed up 2 times and quit and only threw the ball once, but they gave me my credit and my diploma thank gawwd.

I'll pray for you.

Krissie said...

LOL It's funny how you Americans think that everyone in the world have the right to choose. No, there's no equivalent. PE is mandatory, as I think I mentioned. Yes, it sucks ass. No, I cannot avoid it.

nicbeast said...

"t this age I should be given a nice, comfy rocking chair somewhere in the corner, and possibly some needles and wool to make scarves and beanies for the class. Yes."

*blink blink* I think I'm insulted. And if you ARE being insulting, I hope you get singled out in your PE class...EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

If you are NOT being insulting, Dude! PE SUCKS!!!

Krissie said...

I was not being insulting. WTF?!
Yes. PE sucks.

nicbeast said...
