Sunday 24 August 2008

Six Days And Counting...

Last night we went out. It was only so-so. We asked the boy-gang to join us but they didn't want to. BITCHEZZZ! The Boy was sorta for it but then the rest said no and whaddaya know, they didn't come. Who wants to join me in yelling BOOOOO? Thanks, guys, you're true friends.
So we went to Discotheque Crossroads in Malinska, Krk. Not bad but waaaay too much kids there. And annoying men. Not to mention my staring at the door hoping in vain the boys might show up after all. They didn't. I drank a little, danced a little.
Jelena, Silvija, me, and Jelena in Cross

Afterward we went for a pizza to the gas station. Along with pretty much everyone else from the Crossroads. LOL Came home at 6, woke up at 8, got to work at 9.30, worked till 6, and then I got my period, and now I have cramps. Awesome.
Talked to The Boy a little, asked him when he's going home. He said tomorrow but he'll return right away. I think he's just driving his sister home. 5 more days for anything that might happen to happen. Oh wait.... FUCKING PERIOD! LOL I'm so silly, I know, as if!
I was hyperactive all day long but right now I'm kinda sinking. One cannot function solely on 2 hours of sleep. Or at least, this one can't. Not even Red Bull is doing what it should. I think I developed some kind of an immunity to it yesterday when I had 3 cans. Oh well.
I'm at Neptun now, kinda sorta waiting for The Boy to show up just to see him. I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY for being so incredibly lame but I can't help it! He's rather fat, walks funny, has a speech impediment and he's GODDAMN SEXY! *shrugs* So yeah, that would be my day. And the previous night.

4 spoke back:

Van said...

How could they refuse 4 gorgeous hotties?!?!
At least you had fun and some drinks.
But 2 hours sleep...omg I would be totally zombie during that day, lol.

Krissie said...

LOL On the contrary, I usually get hyperactive when sleep deprived like that. I load myself with coffee and Red Bull and wheee! off I go! LOL

LadyN said...

He's rather fat, walks funny, has a speech impediment and he's GODDAMN SEXY!

You've JUST described my crush - Lispy!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahhaahaha! *clap*

And no you're not lame for talking about him a lot. I make episodes about him...I mean seriously.

Unknown said...

A lot of Jelenas there.