Monday 25 August 2008

Because I'm A...

... creepy stalker who stalks people on The Inernets, last night I spent some quality time with Facebook and look what I found: The Boy! OK, so he doesn't have a Facebook page (WTF?, right?!) but ha! some of his friends do. Notice the tummy, the funny legs, and I can't help you with his speech, audio is just unavailable (for now muahahahahaha). OK, I'm scaring myself right now so I'm wrapping this up. Onto the mocking of my taste in men!

6 spoke back:

Van said...

You have stalking skills, lol.
He is cute and he looks young.

Krissie said...

You know it, I've got all kinds of mad skillz, baby! LOL
And shut up, so what if he's younger?!! LEGAL is all that counts in my books!

D-HOR said...

Awwwwwww he looks cuddly and warm and soft and hugglable and yummy. MMmmmmm and I LIKE a man with a little padding, much better to grab on to. You know, like, to ;) ..... hug. :P

Anonymous said...

He's cute!
And I won't say anything about the belly, because although I perve on bodies like the famous Padalecki, I've had boyfriends all shapes and sizes.

YOU though... scary.


LadyN said...

AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It's The Boy!!! :-D

He IS cuddly and cute!
Don't you just love the nerdy ones?! :-D

It's like they are cute but you don't notice them the first time but when you do the second time he gets cuter and cuter by the day.

Yup. Totally.

Krissie said...

He DOES seem to be cuddly indeed! Now if only I could test this theory! Alas, he's gone from Šilo and I don't even know if he'll be back while I'm here...