Wednesday 13 August 2008

Quick Update

...on my boring life here at the deserted island. OK, so it's not as boring as it is back home but it's not exciting either.
Anywayzz... You know the guy I randomly mention every now and then in, like, every post? Yes? Good. So, the guy is apparently breaking up with his GF. I don't really know what "breaking up" means - you either break up with someone or not - but it's good news nonetheless, right? Or at least it would've been if he knew I was alive. And he doesn't. But whatever, I'm a girl and a girl can dream. He commented on my dress today. Now, I should've said something like "Do you like what you see?" and then take it from there but me being me only thought of it a couple of hours later. Oh well.
Tonight we're supposed to go out. Man, I dunno... I'm working in the morning and just... I dunno. I had an awesome time last time and I just know I'll be expecting to have just as much fun and it just won't happen. So I'll think about it.
And this ends my quick update. Good day.

13 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

Please to be explaining how someone can compliment a non-existant woman on her dress.

Krissie said...

Shut up. It doesn't mean anything. Besides, he didn't compliment per se, he said something like: "Oh I see we're wearing pink." and checked me out. (OK, so maybe it's a compliment in man-speak.)

LadyN said...

...and you're going out with him? As in on a date?! Like for realz?!

Oh yes, it was a compliment hun. He actually noticed the color of your dress. I'd say that's noticing.

*sigh* if only mine were "breaking up" instead of "practically married"

I'd think you're on you way!!!

darth sardonic said...

ah just go, dammit. what's the worst that could happen? (and i know you will create a whole evening of craziness in reply to that question!) but just go.

Van said...

Hey Kris!!!
I am back.
I feel silly...because I lost the link to your blog and I kept forgeting to ask you.....whatever...
But now I am back on track.
Btw, I miss you!

Van said...

Hey Kris!!!
I am back.
I feel silly...because I lost the link to your blog and I kept forgeting to ask you.....whatever...
But now I am back on track.
Btw, I miss you!

Van said...

Hey Kris!!!
I am back.
I feel silly...because I lost the link to your blog and I kept forgeting to ask you.....whatever...
But now I am back on track.
Btw, I miss you!

Van said...

Hey Kris!!!
I am back.
I feel silly...because I lost the link to your blog and I kept forgeting to ask you.....whatever...
But now I am back on track.
Btw, I miss you!

Van said...

OMG! what happened to my comments?!
4 at a time!
Must be the excitement!

Krissie said...

LOL Neri, how on Earth did you come to the conclusion we're going on a date? We're not. Not even close. Nothing's going on, I can tell you that.

Darth, I didn't go in the end. They did and had an awesome time but they came home at 6am and that's when I get up for work so it's a good thing I went with responsible. Right?

Van, are that 4 comments in your pocket or are you just excited to see me? LOL (OK, fine, I iz lame. *ashamed*)

LadyN said...

Serves me right for not reading the previous post first. I guess i thought...Whatevs

darth sardonic said...

hmmm krissie, it is as long as you never wondered what would've happened if you had gone. lol. sorry, just the way it is.

Krissie said...

I don't wonder. :P