Sunday 17 August 2008

Rant & Stuff

But first the rant. You know it's my favourite part of every post.
The other night we were supposed to go out again. We were supposed to go to a concert and then we weren't and then we were and then we weren't and then finally we decided to just go for a pizza. Remember that gas station pizzeria that's open 24/7 where Jelena and I go when we want to get away from the ever-prying ears of Neptun so we can talk? Well. This time she took CR2 with us. Throughout the whole evening I've said maybe a total of two sentences. There's nothing I want to talk about with her. I wanted to talk to Jelena. Openly. As we used to talk. But that was impossible with CR2 around. OK, so she happens to be her BF's sister. I get it. It's family. (Even though she's only been with the said BF for like 2 months or less.) But she didn't even realise she was tainting our place. I was pissed! Seriously. I was so mad at her for inviting her. I don't like CR2. I think she's no good in the broadest sense of the word. It's not that she's stupid but she's crazy in a bad way, and is lazy, and she keeps rolling her eyes at me (OK, so I roll eyes A LOT but dammit, one does not roll eyes at me!) AND I've been told she even makes faces behind my back when I tell her to do something (I've been told that by my boss who totally saw her do it more than once). So I don't like her. And she doesn't like me back. Which is fine. But I'm not the kind who will dislike someone who reciprocates and then go on pretending we're friends or something. I don't care for spending time with her. I just don't. Sue me. But Jelena and her seem to be attached at the hips or something. It's like they're glued together. Suddenly I don't matter at all. So I'm needy, I know. But that's just how I am and Jelena knows that and she's been dealing with it just fine till no. But now, now she keeps taking CR2's side all the fucking time and she spends every waking moment with her and I feel more than redundant. It's like suddenly I don't exist anymore. Ok, so she went out with us. So did it have to be the pizza place of all places? We could've gone to some bar for a drink or whatever. Instead, she's ruined my haven for me for good. Thanks a lot, Jelena, really. Hope you and your so-called sister-in-law have a happy life together.

This weekend was to die of work. OMG, at some points there were up to 5 people behind the bar and still we hardly managed. My boss did the dishes, for fuck's sake! It was madhouse, I'm telling you. But then yesterday he slipped me €50 bonus. Eee! Money's good. It's not the most important thing but it's good to know you're appreciated in one way or the other.

Italians... Oh man. Why don't those people speak any other language but their own? Seriously. There came this group of 8 (I think) Italians and wanted a certain number of cappuccinos (cappuccini, actually, but I digress) but I can't count in Italian, a'ight? Then the woman managed to say five in English. Phew. Then came two guys who wanted to have a certain number of sandwiches to go. It turned out to be seven. Seriously, people, English? Thanks. To be fair, there's an awfully nice young couple staying in Neptun and taking the diving course who speak English very well and it's a joy having them around. See? Not that hard. But most of them refuse to even bother. They speak Italian and we can all screw ourselves. Imagine me coming to, say, Belgium and speaking nothing but Croatian. Exactly.

No news on The Boy front. Except that I almost slapped his ass today. I was passing behind him and there it was, just in front of me. My eyes went straight to it and my hand almost followed suit but I managed to regain some self-controll at the last moment. Seriously, what is the matter with me? Since when is it OK for a waitress to randomly slap guests' butts in the middle of the terrace? I think I might just be losing it.

I got a tee from my boss' wife. LOVE the sign! See for yourself:

Can you see I've lost weight?

7 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

You look fantastic and skinny!

I'm guessing talking to Jelena is not an option?

Krissie said...

Aww thanks! I feel like shit though. And no, talking to her is most definitely not an option.

LadyN said...

I should leave for a few months too...see if i can lose from this fat ass a bit. *sigh*

oh and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you about the slapping of the ass. I do it all the time vividly the imagination i actually restrain my hand in my pocket. I also once wanted to take off his shoe and throw it across the room...It look too hot to be on his feet.

:-/ See? Nothing the matter.

darth sardonic said...

in argentina, we would say hi to passersby in the street. you could tell those of italian descent because they would immediately say "bon dia" instead of "buen dia" you're italian? yes. how long have you been in argentina? forty years.

and you look great.

Krissie said...

LOL Neri, I can always count on you to support and even encourage my insanities!

Exactly, Darth, that's just how they are. And aw, thank you. :)

Van said...

You look so nice!!
Hot mama!
Seriously, I see a big diference...did you lose a lot of weight?
The t-shirt is awsome. It will be my next MSN sentence. lmao.

You're still working far from home?

Krissie said...

Still away, Van, yes. And no, not a lot, about 5kg. OK, yeah, that's a lot for me.