Thursday 7 August 2008

Random Blabber

So. Nothing going on but seeing how I'm online and rather bored (where are all of you, people on my MSN list when I'm here willing to chat, huh??), I'm gonna just... type.

Today my work day consisted of mostly hanging around the Neptun cafe doing shit and escorting bunches of Belgian teenagers to the beach volleyball playground (field? pitch? beats me). I've done that like a million times, right? Some times the playground (turf?) would be empty, others not. but every time I'd ask nicely for people to move for a while and they would. It's kids, for fuck's sake! But today... Oh today a group of Slovenian guys simply refused to. We're tourists too, they said. I know, dammit, but these kids are here for fucking two hours! But no. They were so obnoxiously arrogant and full of shit I had no choice but to point the kids to the beach and let the fuckers be. Goddamn inconsiderate bastards! I was so mad, I can't even tell you. I felt really bad for the kids although they didn't seem to mind. But then, what could have I done anway? Get in the fight with eight guys? I'm a tiny girl! LOL And I kinda like my limbs attached to my body and stuff. So yeah, some people suck ass.

In other news, my last three days of work went like this: Tuesday was my day off, Wednesday I worked for exactly FOUR HOURS, and today, well, you heard about today. Sweet, no? But here comes the weekend and it's the highlight of the season so yeah, I'm expecting to be falling off my feet in about 24 hours from now. Yay. On the bright side, more work means more money so yay for reals now.

I missed Torchwood last night. *sadface* I was here at 11.30pm when it was on and then I fell asleep and missed the rerun at 2am. All that not working exhausts a girl, y'know? LOL But anyway, have I told you about the wonder that is Torchwood? Yeah, yeah, you Americans know already but bear with me, OK? I've only just discovered it. Oh and when I say "Torchwood", I totally mean Cpt. Jack Harkness. OMG HOT! John Barrowman, a Glaswegian that plays an American and is classic-Hollywood-hot. Awesomesauce, I'm telling you. And the best part? Wait for it... HE'S GAY! In REAL LIFE! And MARRIED! There are PICTURES! Of him KISSING his partner/husband! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! So there, my reasons to love Torchwood. TV men are so much better than real men. They don't disappoint and they make much better fapping material (for those unfamiliar with the term, look it up at Urban Dictionary, don't make me blush all over my own blog over it).

Huh. I rambled a lot for someone who had nothing to say. It's just one of my many talents, I guess. Think about the wonder that I am now. And with that, I say good night.

6 spoke back:

darth sardonic said...

lol fapping and awesomesauce. in the same post! how cool is that?

Anonymous said...

It is a rare talent indeed :)
You should blog my life.

Krissie said...

Are you all fapping to ma awesomesauceness now?! LOL

And Bel, you're doing an awesome job yourself there.

Anonymous said...

I'll fap to your awesomesauce any day, krissie.

Krissie said...

LOLOLOL ATG! Thanx, man! I guess...

Wait... You're legal now, right?

Glitterstim said...

As you're probably aware, I often "just type" about what's happened in a day. So, more power to you! Randomness is healthy :o)
