Wednesday 27 August 2008


Over something I have no right to be obsessing about, I know, thank you very much. So. The Boy. Ah yes. He's gone, OK? Had to drive his sister back home but - BUT! - he said to me he'd be right back. That was Sunday. Today is Wednesday and he is NOT BACK. I want to see him before I go, dammit! Is that so much to ask for, huh? HUH??! No, it's not. Just to see him, I promise. Just to say goodbye, maybe it was nice meeting him or whatever. *is sad*

The making of this post was abruptly stopped due to a certain drunk German who came to sit with yours truly. He also bought yours truly another Red Bull, even though she said she didn't want one, while waving his arms as if they were wings and saying: You want to fly, fly like an eagle... Yours truly then fled back to the apartment. The making of this post shall now be continued.

Tonight I'm supposed to go out. For the last time. Well, not for the last time ever, just on Krk. But I'm working my last shift tomorrow morning so I don't know what to do. God knows if we'd even be back in time for me to open. LOL That would be an awesome way of concluding my work time here - by being late and/or drunk for work. LMAO
Have I told you I'm coming back here for the New Year's? To work, again. Just for a few days because the boss is having a lot of people here for the midnight dive at New Year's Eve. That should be cool.

In other news, Torchwood is back! Woot! Hello, Cpt. Jack Harkness, I've missed you terribly, you and your gayness and handsomeness! And OMG, is he gay in the show too? Cuz that little exchanging of lines between him and Ianto last night was TOTALLY GAY and if they weren't talking about having sex in his office, I don't know what they were talking about! You be the judges:
(Close up on Ianto)
IANTO: If you're interested... I've still got that stopwatch.
IANTO: Well. Well, think about it. Lots of things you can do with a stopwatch.
JACK: Oh, yeah. I can think of a few.
IANTO: There's quite a list.
JACK: I'll send the others home early. See you in my office in ten.
IANTO: That's ten minutes (click stopwatch) and counting.
(Jack walks away happy)
And now... What to wear tonight? What. To. Wear?

6 spoke back:

D-HOR said...

So'd you have fun last night? HHHHmmmmmm????? :)

darth sardonic said...

clothes, i spose. though naked could be fun too. send pics. lol sorry, i'm a perv.

Krissie said...

Fell asleep like a log. Didn't go. LOL
Sorry to disappoint all you pervs out there! :D

D-HOR said...

Ahhhhhh you goof :P Well at least that way you didn't tear apart your entire wardrobe finding something to wear, and then have to clean it all up. And you didn't end up sick, so there's that.

Krissie said...

Yes, it was very wise to not go anywhere. LOL

LadyN said...

Fucking stupid guys who are nice to their sisters and their stupid promises of coming back!!! DAMN HIM!!!