Thursday 28 August 2008

My Work Here Is Done

Quite literally. I finished my last shift today at 3pm. I'm pretty much all packed and ready to go. I have mixed feelings about leaving. I'd love to stay longer but I also want to be home. HOME! Where everyone I love is, where everything I know and hold dear to my heart is. Home.
We leave tomorrow at some point, stopping by at some friends' in Zagreb, staying over, going out most likely, and then HOME!

The Boy never came back. The celibacy continues... LOL I know I'm crazy. Obviously, if he had wanted me, he would've said something. But anyway, major disappointment. :(

Now I'm going to Neptun, to have a drink, to say goodbye to people. The next time you'll hear from me, I'll be home. HOME!

3 spoke back:

Van said...

The Boy was disapointing in the end.
And you found another pic of him, AHahahah, sneaky! (or sneeky?) lol
I hope you have a good return to your home, HOME!
Have a great weekend :)

Krissie said...

Thanks, Van! I'm hoping to have a good weekend too.

LadyN said...

Wow, he is hot.

*sigh* sorry love :-/