Wednesday 25 June 2008

Village Fair

Oh man. So June 24 is the day of our village and municipality (I'm an awesome translator with wide vocabulary, that's why this explanation rocks so much). There's sports tournaments, cooking contests, folk dancing, some fair rides, plays... stuff like that in days before and after. Last night was the main event night (lol, don't think anything fancy) so this band played and I DANCED at the well lit concrete football pitch in front of the stage with tons of my fellow villagers. It. Was. Awesome.
At first we were sitting at the nearby restaurant drinking and then I said I wanted to go to the pitch so we went and then I kinda danced a little, you know, in one place, tapping foot, swaying hips a little, singing along...
Then we got hungry and went to the centre only to find our fave fast food joint closed. But the woman was still inside, cleaning up, and when she saw Sonja and me peering at the door she unlocked it and let us in. Burgers at 11pm, baby! Nothing like it. So we're inside, in the dark, waiting for the burgers when two boys come to the door. Of course, now they want in too so the woman tells us to unlock the door and let them in as well. Two minutes later another two guys come along and before you know it, the place is packed. LOLOLOL We get our burgers and head back around 11.15 or so.
As we returned to the pitch, we got us some beer and sat down. Then this friend comes along and pulls me up to dance and then I get Sonja up too and I dance and dance and dance till I think my new precious Ipanemas will get torn. And then I dance some more. The cowboy dance and the duck dance and all the dances in between. I dance and dance and dance till I think I will drop to the ground. And then I dance some more and I dance like nobody's watching. I had an awesome time.
And as we're going home, around 12.30, there's still a queue of people in front of the fast food place.

3 spoke back:

D-HOR said...

EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so proud and happy for you!! Isn't it like the greatest thing EV-VER when you can let loose (drink) and actually have FUN dancing!? It only happens for me when I drink some, but when it does I slip into this really great place where dancing is all of a sudden FUN and I'm not HORRIBLE at it, and even if I am I don't care because I'm having a good time and I feel great and FREE. (hors are not often free you know :P)

So anyways, I'm happy that you got to do that, I wish you many more. :)

Krissie said...

I wasn't drunk. I had one beer. I just felt like dancing. 'Twas awesome.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I danced with you just by reading your post!
I'm happy you had a great time Kiddo!