Saturday 28 June 2008

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiederesehen, Goodbye...

I guess this is going to be my last post for a while. A while being a month or a few days, who knows.

I don't know why this feels like such an end. Probably because I feel I won't find many of you when I return. I know 2 months isn't an eternity but suddenly this virtual world I've created for myself seems to be so fragile. Parts of it are already slipping out of my hands. Sands of time, I guess.

First and foremost, Wet For Went has been shut down as of two days ago. WFW has been planning to shut it down for a while now and then originally intended to do so on July 1, but since I'll have been gone by that time, she did it a little earlier so I could say my goodbyes. I'm grateful for it because I've made friends there. Real friends who will hopefully remain being a part of my life regardless of the blog, even though I'm pretty sure the odds are against it.

FCoWM has been closed for a while now. Well, not closed entirely, there's a private section for a handful of us, and the plan is for it to be reopened when I return. They want me to take over and I'm so flattered, you can't even imagine. The Church holds a very special place in my heart, but I don't really know if I'd be able to do it justice nor do I know if there'll still be the need for it in 2 months.

My fellow bloggers have stopped blogging, one by one, with the exception of Darth.
I've made some new... acquaintances, I guess, at LJ, but fun as they are, they won't be able to replace you guys.

I'm not saying I'll stop blogging. I've kept a journal for almost as long as I can remember and I'm not gonna stop now. I have the need to write, you know? I have to get the words out of my system. I just don't think anyove would be here to read them. But it's OK, people move on.

I guess what I'm trying ot say is: this might be a goodbye. Not necessarily, but if it is, I hope you had fun. I know I did, and I'll cherish you, my dear friends, forever.

Enjoy your summer and see you around. *fingers crossed*

6 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

Sure does sound like "ADIEU" to me(meaning Goodbye Forever).
It was funny while it lasted, too bad it all didn't go out with a BANG! as all good things should.

Have a great Summer Kristina, I hope to find you blogging about your Summer job when you return.


Krissie said...

You have some awesome methods of making me cry. Congrats. :)

Unknown said...

Doc made you cry, you made me cry. Good things are dying and it makes me so sad. It's a circle of life I guess.


darth sardonic said...

if ya come back around and blog, i'll be here. sorry i don't get over as much as i used to, but i do still read. and will still read if there is new stuff.

LadyN said...

you are you saying good-bye like it's forever?!

D-HOR said...

Aw well shit I'm late. BUT I've got a letter in the making and your address! I'm not lost to you yet, have fun!!!!!