Wednesday 4 June 2008

Life Snipets

Yesterday. Class.
People are talking. The professor calls out one guy.
- Sven! - and gives him a look.
- Sorry - Sven at least has the decency to appear contrite.
- I'm holding you personally responsible for that part of the classroom - the professor says.
- Can I... you know... beat them?
- Spank them? - the professor smirks.
- I think they might enjoy it - Sven retorts.
- Well, it's up to you. But they're mostly guys...
Sven turns read. The class claps spontaneously.


Today. DM.
I'm paying for my deodorant. The checkout is almost at the door so an elderly woman pretty much just pops her head in and says: - Hello. Do you have chandeliers?


Later today. Again, DM.
Nikolina and I are standing in the line and a young couple is behind her. Making out.
- And who are you? - he says to her in an attempt of whispering. He fails at it.
- A princess? - she asks in baby talk.
- Mmm... no - he nuzzles her, for fuck's sake.
- Well, I dunno... You should tell me... - baby talk continues. Until it's interrupted by more making out. *insert obnoxious sounds* In. The. Checkout line.
And they weren't even attractive.*

*Of course it matters! When attractive people are making out, it's like watching a movie scene. When they're unattractive, it's plain out gross. Who's with me?

12 spoke back:

cvilim said...

It doesn't bother me if they are attractive or not attractive. What bothers me is when she's attractive and he's not.

Krissie said...


D-HOR said...

It's bad both ways no matter how hot they may be..... but PPPSSST oh my gosh I am so admitting this... it IS worse if they're ugly, then it's just super gross. So wrong, so wrong.

Oh and HI !!!!!!

And SHIT those are some damn cute sandles in the post below, I WANT them!!!

And HI!!!!!!

Krissie said...

Just embrace your inner political incorrectness, Hor!

And thank you!


Anonymous said...

I'm with you! Hot people: I feel like a peeping Tom. Ugly people: Oh my god how does he do it? How does SHE do it?

Krissie said...

Couldn't agree with you more there, Bel.

cvilim said...

I don't know... on the other hand, I'm often attracted to ugly women, but of course, not all of them; the first condition is that I'm... attracted to them. Sounds stupid, I know, but think about it. :-)

Krissie said...

I know all about it, man.

nicbeast said...

*Raises hand*

Anonymous said...


*shakes head*

whatever our Society did to us... we're monsters.
I'm a ROCK Monster! *grin*

nicbeast said...

Can I be the cookie monster?

Anonymous said...

I could eat some Cookie Monster!
*wink wink*