Monday 23 June 2008

It's Hard To Come Up With A Title For Every Post

So... (What a great way to start a post, ain't it? I'm amazing, really. I should be kept away from the keyboard and/or pen at all times. I'm a disgrace.) Anyway. (Oh yeah, much better.) Seriously though.
I'm leaving on Sunday. Yep, in 6 days. That's SIX DAYS. I'm kinda excited. And nervous. I mean, been there, done that, an' all, but it's been a while since I've done the job and y'know, it' ll take some time to get down with it again.
What the fuck is with this writing of mine today? I sound HORRIBLE! No self-respecting student of English would let him/herself be caught writing this shitty. Yeah well.
My sister bought me a huge-ass bag today. With wheels. So I can actually manage it around. Because I have zero strength in my arms. I'm probably the weakest person I know. A wuss, if you will.
I've been doing some preparations for the trip already. When I say "preparations", I mean burning favourite podfics on CDs and trying out the discman to see if it still works. That's what you get for not having a kick-ass iPod but a lame-ass mp3 that can store pretty much shit. So CDs it is.
I worry everyone will forget about me while I'm gone. Not family and RL people, obviously, but you guys. When I abandon my blog and chats, who will wait for me after the two months have passed? Who, huh?
If you want a postcard from the most beautiful coast in the world (it so is, no matter what you say!), slip me your address.

3 spoke back:

nicbeast said...

Awwwwwww! How could I forget my Kriss!!!!!! Email to follow... lol.

Krissie said...


Anonymous said...

**sitting Buddha like**
**waiting for Kristina to return**

... also I beg to differ, the Atlantic coast of Morocco is the most beautiful sight in the whole wide world.