Saturday 2 February 2008


I'm so tired. Of everything. I don't feel like living. There's no joy. Of any kind. Everything is always the same old, same old. So... colourless. So... uneventful. So... hopeless. As in no hope of improvement. I don't know why we bother. It's a series of problems that never ever ends. And what's the point? I am so uninterested. I don't care. I can't see why would I be getting up in the morning. I can't see why would I study. I can't see why would I even try. Whatever. I catch myself watching a movie and not even knowing what went on. I flip through channels all the time, i can't concentrate on anything. I turn music on and then find it annoying after 5 minutes so I turn it off. I chat to someone, say a sentence or two and leave. Bored, bored, bored. I begin to study and realise I can't keep my mind at it. It wanders away. I can't really sleep when I'm supposed to. There's nothing to do. Nothing to do. Nothing to do. Scrabble, trivia quizzes, minesweeper, spider solitaire... 5 minutes of my attention tops. Reading a book - putting it down every ten minutes to... what? Something, anything ELSE. drink water, go to the bathroom, turn computer on, turn computer off, turn TV on, turn TV off. I'm dying.

14 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

*opens wide the window*
*throws the Brat through it*
*dusts hands*
No need to thank me.

Krissie said...

Yeah, like I'd go killing myself jumping off my window that's like 1,5m high.

Anonymous said...

the point was that I would kill you as a favor for the world!

Krissie said...

Yeah but the fall wouldn't kill me. It wouldn't even hurt me.
It might amuse me for a minute or two.

Anonymous said...

Damn Brat!
I'll get you one day... yeah one day, i'll get your skin.

Anonymous said...

Kris, honey, it's called adulthood.
Then when you're old and not capable of doing anything about it anymore, you'll realize what you could have been doing all this time.
Life sucks and then you die. That's just how it is. People are an evolved species, but they're too evolved. They think too much and their brain needs stimulation all the time. Thing is, there's no human-owner (like pet owners) who can provide that stimulation.
One comfort though: I thinks it's mostly the more intelligent you are, the more boring and senseless life seems.

Krissie said...

Comfort. HA.

YKM said...

I agree with Belle, seems like that more 'intelligent' one is, the less happy he/she is about life and the more he/she wonders about why we live etc etc...

Also, I think you're suffering of a temporary overdose of movies/internet/tv...

maybe if you try to cut back on it a little, you'll find you like it again.

And this will sound so sappy, but whatever: go outside! take a walk! YES, those things do help...
Don't knock it till you try it ;)

(end of motherly feelings bubbling up/)

D-HOR said...

Weeeeeeellllllll FUCK. I'm happy and easily amused - i.e. retarded/not intelligent/stoopid/ignorant to the wretchedness of the state of the world?/and NOW pissed that I feel less than average for just being happy.

AH well! la la la de da *flitting off like a brainless butterfly to another flower*

Ok not. So are you better now? I wasn't around so maybe you feel lighter today?

I say you go out on a full scale man-hunt. Go out ALL the time and with one purpose and one purpose only. To find a diversion. Men are great diversions, they give us something to obsess about and take our minds off of everything else. Hang out in the library, sit next to cute guys, talk to guys in and after and before class, go out whenever you can (you don't have to spend $$ when you're out, just BE out. Flirt shamelessly and in abundance. Do the "I'm helpless and am lost or need help with something ect. -act- if need be.

Dress yourself up all nice and girlie - that always makes me feel better(because I'm a simpleton of course but just sayin.)

I can see you mentaly shaking your head and thinking "god she doesn't know me at all." But whatever, try it for a week. Devote a week to doing something a little batty, at least it'll get your mind off of shit.

Okay I'm done. You can insult me now and come back with something sarcastic or you can start doing your nails.

(and then you can forgive me if you're pissed because I'm going on 3.5 hours of sleep and I'm a tad batty but I'm holding my ground.)

Krissie said...

YKM, if I cut back on all of that, what will I do then?!

*gasp* Dhor, you don't know me at all! I don't go out cuz one needs friends to go out with, I don't dress girly cuz I don't own girly clothes and I don't sit next to cute boys cuz there are no cute boys anywhere around! I know, I took a look.

YKM said...

Dhor, don't mistake what I wrote before as an insult, that's not how I meant it :) feeling happy does not mean you are not intelligent of course!

Krissie, I'm just saying, if you cut back a *little* bit on those things, you might actually enjoy them again. In stead of feeling bored after 10 minutes...

Anonymous said...

... hmmm... I still vote for throwing you out from a window, a high window... maybe a building!!! A SKYSCRAPER!!!
Great idea!
Meet me there, I have a surprise for ya.

Krissie said...

What is it? *wide opened eyes*

Anonymous said...

.....I soo know how this feels, K. I promise you it'll somewhat get better. I used to be where you are now....*thinks* oh who am i kidding?! I have a job now and still feel the same...

Don't throw yourself out the 1,5m high'll just break your leg or something and all you'd feel is stupid. :-/

ps. LMFAO @ doc's first comment.