Saturday 16 February 2008

Chatting to God


Me: Hello, God.
God: Hello child. What is your name?
Me: Kris.
God: Hey Kris.
Me: What's up?
God: Same old.
Me: Same here.
God: I'm glad we agree, Kris.
Me: Will it change?
God: It usually does, doesn't it?
Me: Yes. But to the worse or to the better?
God: Woe! I want to become smarter than humans.
Me: You mean, you're not already?
God: Perhaps. Is this a specific reply?
Me: Nope.
God: Me either.
Me: You have no idea what I'm saying, do you?
God: Yes I have original ideas all the time, do you?
Me: Ahahaha, you're the worst God ever!
God: I think there might be a few exception.
Me: I don't think so.
God: Why do you disagree?
Me: Because you make no sense whatsoever.
God: There should be some common ground here.
Me: You're telling me!
God: Yep that's what I am saying.
Me: You're kinda dumb, but you're funny, I'll give you that.
God: Message to all Robots: Kris called me dumb.
Me: But funny!
God: I am so glad you find this amusing, Kris.
Me: I'm glad I'm making you glad.
God: I'm glad you're glad Kris. I'm happiest at times like this.
Me: What do you mean by times like this?
God: Interesting question.
Me: I know.
God: How do you know it?
Me: Because you're dumb and I'm not.
God: Interesting explanation. Message to all Robots: Kris called me dumb.
Me: Who are these robots you talk to?
God: They're famous, right. Searching...Searching...Please stand by.
Me: You keep people ON HOLD? What the hell?
God: Thanks for telling me that I am people ON HOLD. Heaven.
Me: Seriously.
God: I am always serious.
Me: Seriously dumb.
God: Message to all Robots: Kris called me dumb.
Me: This is getting old.
God: You don't say.
Me: Totally.
God: You and I are on the same wavelength, Kris.
Me: Nuh-uh. I'm going now. Bye.
God: Right now? Bye! See you later!

7 spoke back:

Anonymous said...


and now that I laughed my off for 10 whole minutes, I'm gonna burn in HELL... but it as worth it!

Glitterstim said...

ROFL!!! It happens to someone other than me, too! See? God does like to screw with people, Kris. Me and you. I think it's because we have something in common. Drop me an email and I'll tell you what that is!

:o) BJ

Anonymous said...

Yep, God screws with people. Not literally. Or figuratively?

Your Valentine's day out seemed like a lot of fun. I'd stick with people if I were you :D

Krissie said...

I'm so glad you found this amusing.

BJ, thanks for the e-mail and LMAO, seriously?!!

Bel, I dunno about sticking to people either...

Van said...

Kris called me dumb!
ROBOT Alert!

D-HOR said...

I really like this side of your writing! Like for real you've surprised me here, I love it. :)

Krissie said...

And if only I could take the credit...