Tuesday 5 February 2008

Shrove Tuesday

Or so they call it in the UK, only there they eat pancakes and here we eat donuts. Also, here kids dress up in costumes and go from house to house, much like Halloween's trick-or-treating. Here it's traditionally done the day before the Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. Unfortunately, no one seems to know what day it should be done anymore so nowadays kids start dressing up from mid January so by the Shrove Tuesday we're all sick of them and usually just shut the door into their faces. Ha. It's always funny. Hey, if you don't know the day you should be doing it on, DON'T FUCKING DO IT!
Anyway, donuts. I'm not exactly a fan, but once a year I can eat 5 or 6 and then I'm good till next year. And here they are.

10 spoke back:

Sgt said...


Here we call it Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) and woman flash their breasts for plastic beads.

Sgt said...

Oh.. and I'd like to applaud your culture. Your actually making the donuts. I think the last thing an American would say when they needed a few dozen donuts would be... "Hmm.. maybe I'll just make them myself"

Krissie said...

Hahaha, well we make everything from scratch. You know, that thing called cooking.

YKM said...

*feels the munchies coming on*

those look delicious Krissie, and I don't even like donuts all that much!

and why can't guys falsh there penises for mardi gras? Really, why does it have to be the women flashing their goddamn boobs ALL. THE. TIME.

Us healthy women would like to see some men flesh, you know... sjeez.

Van said...

I love donuts!
Those look very yumylicious.
I once tried a recepie but it didn't work....or I messed it up, lol.

Krissie said...

Yeah, they can be tricky to make.

D-HOR said...

Fat Tuesday! OH *sighs orgasmicaly* We call the special donuts punchkis (don't ask if the spelling is right, it'll just be ok)

And you all make your OWN??? OH SWOOOONNN!!!!! oh my that's just awesome! Sgt. got it on the head with his comment. Donuts aren't rocket science but they require hot oil and actually mixing ingredients and ...ugh, that's enough, I'm just gonna go to the store.

But really, that's cool as hell.

Unknown said...

And I can eat them all day everyday... mmmmmmm

And I do look like a donut.

Krissie said...

Actually, Dhor, the oils is quite hot. lol


Anonymous said...

brings back memories... nice looking donuts and they must delicious too!