Sunday 24 February 2008

Pictionary: The Pics

7 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

Nice G-string she got there!! LOL
you all look like the crazy croud which is good for a Pictionnary game.

Krissie said...

Yes, they all are crazy. Not me though. Perfectly sane. I know. The voices told me so.

Van said...

I loved the pics.
Looks like you had a great time

YKM said...

it doesn't only SOUND like you had an awesome time, it LOOKS like it too!!

Great to hear you had such a blast babe! :)

D-HOR said...

Very friendly people ;) I'm so glad you've got out again and are having more fun.

And Krissie you say that you are a joke to them but they wouldn't keep inviting you if that were so. The reason they keep teasing you is to get you to come out of your shell a bit. And sometimes when people are getting to know each other (in person) it's hard to come up with conversation so people resort to the next best thing - playing and joking around. That's where the him making you blush thing comes in. It gives them all a way to connect with you and they probably think you're a sweet gal.

I know you're going to come back at me full force but I'm putting my hands over my ears and *lalalalalalalalalal -ing* right now. Because I'm right. I get to be right once in a while. :P

Krissie said...

You ARE right, Dhor.

OH NO! This hanging out thing is making me lose my edge!!!!

D-HOR said...
