Thursday 21 February 2008

It's A Dilemma

Here's the deal. You've read my old Diaries of Krk, right? No? Oh well never mind. Anyhoo... I got a call today. I have a chance to go to work there again. My, my, I must have been really good if the guy is calling me two years later! LMAO And I wanna go. I'm going to go. But here's my dilemma: when to go? In May or July? If I go in July, I'll take a few classes from 2nd year and attend them regularly. BUT! I don't HAVE TO take any classes from 2nd year since I'll have the chance to take them regularly next year (if I get to the 2nd year, of course). And then I could just go in May.
I'm promised more money. I had a good time. I like the people. And I'd be home till April when I can take exams as well and then go after that. Or I could stay home till July, take some classes and take some exams and then go.

OK, disregard.
I'm gonna go in July. My sister has resolved the dilemma.

4 spoke back:

Van said...

"Stay home till July, take some classes and take some exams and then go".
That is what I would do, lol.
Have a great weekend, Kris!

Anonymous said...

What are sisters for?!

yours is to help you solve dilemmas... mine is to create them!


D-HOR said...

Ok I'm a little late but I wanted to say congratulations. :) MONEY!!! And PEOPLE!!! And am I reading this right or will you be AWAY from home??!!! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!

Krissie said...

Yay, thanks you gals!
I'd comment one each specifically but I've slept for 3 hours only. Having a life is EXHAUSTING.