Wednesday 10 September 2008


An unknown person just sent me a friends request on Facebook. It's a girl from NY with a vaguely Croatian surname. Now, I know there are people who like to add random people from the countries their parents came from, but my question is WHY??! Hopefully, I'll find out soon enough because I sent her a message saying: Why do you want to add me when I don't know who you are?

I got a random period. Random because my last period came on August 25. Notice the problem. Randomly bleeding from my vajayjay every 10 days is not agood sign. Sure it's been known to happen, but it's usually a sign of great stress in my case. And here I was thinking I was happy.

On Monday I saw Mamma Mia! with Sonja. It was FABULOUS! OMG the movie is so lame, it has pretty much no story whatsoever, and most of the actors (apart form the girl who plays, well, the girl) can't sing to save their lives. Yet, it's AWESOME! So colourful, so shiny, sparkly, glittery, psychodelic, singing, loud, funny, hilarious, absurd, pointless! And on top of it all - Colin Firth is gay! LOLOLOLOLOLOL I had an awesome time. But then, I like ABBA so maybe that's that.
Before the movie we went to dinner in a restaurant where students can use their cards when they eat. Then Sonja told me students get a discount on theatre tickets as well. LOL So all in all, grilled calamari, french fries, grilled mushrooms, a bottle of Coke and a movie ticket came out to HRK28,50 ($5,62)!!!!!!!! Yeah, that's cheap even here. So next time you're in town, dinner's on me.

8 spoke back:

D-HOR said...

I had a two week-er the 3rd time I went to Mexico, thought I was all nice and set, no worries! Aaaaanddd NO, mother nature and her bullshit.

And then the next one? Went 6 weeks - which was ALSO my next mexico trip. FUCK FUCK YOU MOTHER NATURE !!

That and Cysts, I've got PCOS and the resulting cysts on my ovaries to thank for my problems, stress or no stress.

But dang it you DO seem happy so maybe it's just a fluke or perhaps because of the travel. My doctor told me she always goes hay-wire when she travels. (tmi doc? but hey at least she told me something for a change)

But on a better note - SUPER YYYYYAAAAAAYYYYYYY *clap clap clap* for the discounts! ROCK THE FUCK OUT!!! :)

Krissie said...

Stress cuz of exams, Hor. It's not all rainbows and butterflies but I thought I was handling it better.

Anonymous said...

Gay Colin! GAY!

OMG, I so have to see that film!

Bummer about the menstrual cycle... Mine are regular, but I bleed like a cut artery for three days... Once I had to go from work to the shopping mall nearby with a coat tied around my waist to go buy a new skirt. My industrial strength pad had been able to protect me for exactly one hour and then I bled right through my underwear and trousers. Teaching during my period is the epitomy of angst, I tell ya.

I bet you're just adapting to the pace of your students life and you body is catching up.

nicbeast said...

Woot! To dinner!

And I have..."issues" 365 so if anyone feels your pain, I do.

Van said...

I hope your bleeding stops and you are ok, honey.
I so wanna see MamaMia too!
In general I love musicals, despite they being lame.
That dinner was so cheap, omg!
I would so not cook at home if meals cost that much here, that's for sure!

D-HOR said...

Don't beat yourself up over a funky period - maybe you ARE handling it just fine and it's just a fluke. :)

Now, will you invite me to your blog again, but under my new e-mail? Pretty Please so I can come here with C. and show you to him? I talk about you and he's wondered ever since the Christmas card :P but I can sign on as hor. :) Pretty Please? Can I be your friend, again? :)

lindy (dot) email (@) yahoo (dot) com

Thank You :)
And feel better :)

Gringa-n-Mexico said...

Thank You :)

- hor

Krissie said...

I cannot believe you fucking signed your comment with "hor".

Seriously? SERIOUSLY?! Did you think I'd mix you up with some other Lindy?

You're priceless, honey.