Saturday 25 April 2009

Und doch hab´ ich Flugzeuge in meinem Bauch

Well... I wrote it. The timestamp to my "fic". I can't help but to add these quotation marks to it because... well, it's not exactly fiction if it happened, right? I mean, yes, it didn't happen to the characters in the story but it happened to me. More or less. Of course, I changed the names. Hell, I changed the genders even! But it's still pretty much what happened (or at least how I remember it. They say it's how most fiction writers work anyway, so there). So the original story was pretty much easy to write. It was already in my head (and for years, too) so I just let it out. It was sort of therapeutic. *nervous laughter*

Now, the end to the story was completely made up, obviously, and then it was sort of unfinished. People who've read it kept asking if I'd be writing more. I guess they wanted a more satisfying end. There's not much fanfic out there ending tragically and honestly, I like it that way. Happy end for the boys is pretty much given. So I started toying with the idea of writing a small timestamp to the original story. Round it up, in a way. And then, about a week ago the first sentence shot through my head and the rest... just sort of followed.

And now it's complete. I'm going to link it, but be warned - it's slash. That is all.

Flugzeuge im Bauch

The following parts are linked at the end of each chapter.

I WROTE A 20 000 WORDS LONG STORY. I still can't believe it.

5 spoke back:

Anonymous said...

DUDE! Awesome. Yeah, I should go comment on LJ but I'm kinda lazy... but I will.

I wrote something for Van... But it's lemon and pretty heavy on the cheese and you know that's only good in a strudel.

Krissie said...


Well, I wrote it mostly for myself so it would finally leave my head.

LadyN said...

I'll def have to read this.

Krissie said...

You won't, or you would have. LOL

LadyN said...

You're right LOL