Thursday 2 April 2009

I miss my hair

5 spoke back:

Van said...

Ok, let's see....
I think you look better with short hair.
Or am I ust used to seeing your short hair?
I don't really know. Maybe it's time to let it grow hun!

Krissie said...

I'm trying to grow it. But honestly, I think it just STOPPED growing. >:(

Anonymous said...

OMG, you look so cute with long hair. Not that I'm saying you're not cute with short hair, you are! Let it grow!

Krissie said...

I'm trying to, but it's so stupid and it grows so slowly.

LadyN said...

Wow! Pretty!

Black? Did you dye it?
I dyed mine once REALLY blue black. LOVEEDDD!!! But it ruined my hair.

I always love those old pics. When i was thinner and wore guy clothes but still looked prettier than now lol.