Monday 23 April 2007

Groucho Marx

Y'know, this guy always made me laugh. He was just my kind of funny. So I was reading the biography of Sidney Sheldon who was a friend of Groucho's and he said that Groucho wasn't kidding most of the time. He hated people sincerely and meant everything he said, they just didn't get it. Well, that makes me like him even more!
So here are a few quotes:

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
Remember, we're fighting for this woman's honor, which is probably far more than she's ever done!
Next time I see you, remind me not to talk to you.
Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.
I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it.
I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception.
And a classic at the end:
I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.

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