Wednesday 11 April 2007

Bored Blabber

Speaking of boredom... Oh, no one spoke of it? Must be just me then.
Sunny morning, sipping coffee, listening to the best radio show there is, "10 do 12" on Radio Plus, chatted with Kat and Mama Bear a bit, Uni in the afternoon, coffee with best friend after the class...
Best friend is the one who was cured of Went-addiction some time ago. Then Monday night, in the middle of ep 2 a text message arrives: I'm gonna eat him. it says. And I go: Get in line! The faithful addicts first! Luckily, she's ok with that or I'd have to kill her.
I should go out and buy some clothes. Or something. Y'know, to comfort self since I'm still a bit down with the failing and all...
They are talking about jealousy in "10 do 12". I'm thinking of commenting (yes, I do have opinion on everything) but maybe the whole world shouldn't know how awful I get when I get jealous. Once a friend touched my bf, a friend that was only a friend to him and nothing more, I knew that, and it was an innocent touching him on the shoulder while talking and I knew there was nothing to it and still I thought to myself: Get your hands off of him, bitch! Yes, I'm one of those people. I knew that was completely irrational and I just couldn't help it. Of course, I didn't say anything. I'm not crazy, just a jealous type. Would you be so kind and jast blame it on the insecurity? Thanks.
What else? Well, I'm trying to lose weight. Wait.... I said that already. Anyway, I'm pathetic, an inert pile of fat, trying to do sit-ups every night and then dying in horrible pain after only a few... I don't have the courage to actually weigh myself. I know I'm around 60kg, maybe 61 or 62 (62 kilogram = 136.7 pound). See? And I'm only 1,63m (163 centimeter = 5.3 feet) and that's just too much. Saddest part: I can't wear ANY of my last summer's clothes! And I like a lot of my last summer's clothes!!!!
Funny how I always write this much when I have nothing to say...
Ok, listen to this: remember my I-hate-marriage essay? Well, now we have to write an essay saying the opposite of whatever we were writing about. How on Earth am I going to write two pages about marriage being great? HOW?! I take suggestions.
Married girls, please, I beg you even, give me arguments pro, I'll never come up with any on my own. Thanks!

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